Buddha Purnima 2024: Astrological Meaning, Significance and Rituals

The most important festival of the Buddhist community worldwide is Buddha Purnima. This festival commemorates the life, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. This festival falls on the first full moon day of Vaishakh, which falls between April and May as per the Buddhist calendar. This year, it will be observed on May 23rd. He is also said to be the 9th incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Let’s explore the significance and rituals associated with this day. You can also consult the top Vedic astrologer at DivineTalk to make the most of this festival.
Date & Time
This day falls on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Vaisakha.
Date: May 23rd, 2024, Thursday
Buddha Purnima Significance
Gautam Buddha’s birth chart has a Cancer ascendant, the Moon in Libra and the Sun in Aries. There were five planets in Aries’ sign, due to which he was spiritual and enlightened; he felt compassion and kindness towards humanity till the end. Born during the full moon day, Buddha was a natural idealist and invested his efforts in seeking the ultimate truth. This planetary position stops him from enjoying worldly pleasures.
Apart from this, Siddhartha Gautama’s life is significant. He was born in Lumbini into the royal family of King Suddhodhan, the ruler of Lumbini. He was the heir to the kingdom and was meant to enjoy worldly pleasures. However, growing up, he encountered the world of misery and grievances that he had sheltered till now. He realised that death was the ultimate truth of life and that all the worldly pleasures around him were futile. He was deeply distressed and decided to renounce his duty as a Prince. At 29, he left his family and kingdom for the answers to the truth of existence. This festival also marks the day when you finally learn about life’s difficult questions.
Rituals Associated With Buddha Purnima
The festival is celebrated with the excellent festival spirit by the followers of Buddha:
People visit temples, participate in ceremonial prayers, and sing devotional songs to express joy.
People gather to listen to sermons dedicated to Lord Buddha, embracing his teaching with an open heart.
Diyas are lit around the bodhi trees, or the tree of knowledge, as it is mainly called. People also water the tree’s roots.
Bodhidroom Mela, or fair, is also organised for 4 to 5 days to celebrate this day of festivities.
One can also participate in meditation and charitable activities, helping people experiencing poverty. Yoga retreats are also joined during this time.
On this day, Buddhist followers avoid non-vegetarian food, offer goods and kheer to people experiencing poverty, and wear white clothing to maintain purity.
Along with this, there are five principles, also known as “panchsheel,” to follow on the day of Buddha Purnima—not to take life, not to rob, not to lie, not to consume alcohol, and not to commit infidelity.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
Q: What is Buddha Purnima?
A: Buddha Purnima, also known as Buddha Jayanti, is highly significant in Hinduism. Lord Buddha’s followers worldwide celebrate the day with great grandeur and enthusiasm. According to Drik Panchang, this year, the occasion falls on May 23rd.
Q: When will Buddha Purnima be celebrated in 2024?
A: In 2024, Buddha Purnima falls on Thursday, May 23rd. The date varies each year based on the lunar cycles followed in the Buddhist and Hindu calendars, but it typically falls in April or May.
Q: How is Buddha Purnima celebrated in India?
A: It is celebrated mainly in Sikkim, Ladakh, Arunachal Pradesh, Bodhgaya, and various parts of North Bengal. Devotees go to Buddhist temples, where they pray, meditate, and help people in need. Sweet rice and porridge are commonly served on this day.